Greater Regional alliance of realtors®

Candidate Review & Development Committee

The Greater Regional Association of REALTORS has long been known and respected by other industry organizations for its high level of volunteer participation at the local (GRAR), state (MR), and national (NAR) levels. The accomplishments in this area are related to the fact that the Association values the volunteer members; strives to provide new and creative methods for involvement; and celebrates the successes of volunteers. Much of this work is accomplished through the diligent efforts of the Candidate Review & Development Committee to encourage and recognize a wide stratum of volunteer involvement and leadership.

Committee Members

Duffy McClelland – Chairperson

Kendra Havemeier

Scott Holwerda

Chad Jurgens

Paul Spica

Carrie Vos

Julie Woltil

Pam VanLuven – Staff Liaison