It is the role of this Task Force to enhance the nature and type of information being provided through GRAR’s current relationship with the MichRIC MLS database, including a comparison of GRAR policies versus MichRIC policies to ensure that all efficiencies that are available are being utilized. This Task Force shall also review, evaluate, and proposed modifications to the MLS Rules, Regulations, and Policies as needed.
Paul Bunce – Chairperson
Geoff Brown – Vice-Chairperson
Erin Fester
Maria Kauffman
Don King
Jeannine Lemmon
Dave Mapes
Ingrid Nelson
Beau Otis
Mike Rundhaug
Ashley Schaefer
Mike Smallegan
Dale Stuckey
Sara Suidinski
Rod Thiss
Rachael Veldkamp
Adam Paarlberg – Director Liaison
Pam VanLuven – Staff Liaison