Condo Associations

Condo Financing Information:

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Roster of Condo Associations in the Greater Grand Rapids Area:

Condo Assoc/Complex Street Address City State Zip Phone Corp Agent/Contact
38 | Downtown Grand Rapids Condos 1575 Watertower Place E Lansing MI  48823 (517) 333-9622 Steve Calverley or Jim Anderton
47 Lafayette Condominiums 7374 Loma Linda Dr NE Rockford MI 49341 (616) 558-6715 Alex Lloyd
65 Monroe Condominiums 32 Market Ave NW Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 233-0519 John Wheeler
Aberdeen Ridge Condominiums 4665 44th St SE STE A-1103 Grand Rapids, MI  49512 (616) 245-5003 Select 1 Property Management
Ada Place Condominiums Cascade Rd W of Spaulding Grand Rapids MI 49512 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Alpine Estates Condominiums 345 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 243-7511 Jim Oppenhuizen
Amber Creek Condominiums 8131 Mistyview Dr SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 481-4912 Bob Monroe
Amber Farms Condominiums 7120 Baltic SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 277-1397 Larry Maynard
Amber Lakes Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Amber Ridge Condominiums 1040 Amber Cove Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 878-7244 Michael Benjamin
Amber Terrace Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Applewood Condominuims 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-9515 Scott Gerow
Arbor Lake Condominiums 2941 Byron Center Ave Byron Center MI 49519 (616) 531-3213 Joanne Marville
Arrowhead Arms Condominiums 1486 44th St Suite 200 Kentwood MI 49508   Robert J Aalders
Aspen Trails Condos P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Avalon Pointe 330 E Beltline NE, Ste 300 Grand Rapids MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Avenue 23 Condominiums 7290 E 128th St Sand Lake MI 49343 (616) 636-8305 Sarah Sheikh
Bagley Townhomes 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Baileys Grove Condominiums South 4665 44th St SE STE A-1103 Grand Rapids, MI  49512 (616) 245-5003 Select 1 Property Management
Balsam Waters   Grand Rapids Township (616) 228-4792 Urban Monarch Management
Barkwood Drive Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Bayberry 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Bear Creek Condominium Association 5355 Northland Dr, NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 (616) 874-8632 Joseph McCambridge
Beckwith Hills Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Bella Vista Bay Condominiums 6691 Boca Vista #101 Rockford MI 49341   Glenn Stuart Jr.
Bella Vista Cove Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-9515 Scott M. Gerow
Bignell Ridge Condominium Association P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
BGPOA 52nd to 60th & East Paris (NL 1050) Kentwood (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Blackberry at Shears Crossing Condominiums 2471 Shears Crossing Ct NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 (616) 361-9133 Scott M. Gerow
Boardwalk Condominiums 940 Monroe Avenue NW #155 Grand Rapids MI (616) 988-6466 Jonathan Rooks
Boulder Bluff Estates 1388 Baldwin Jenison MI 49428 (616) 696-9515 Natasha Biegalle
Boulder View Estates Association P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Bowen Lake Village Condos   Gowen, MI 49326 (616) 984-2114 or
(616) 262-1583
Ted Lewakowski
Marcus Hansen
Bradford Place Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Breton Highlands Condo/Townhouse Association 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Breton Meadows Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506  (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Brickway Residences Condominium P.O. Box 6776 Grand Rapids MI 49516 (616) 540-3517 Cristina Fong
Byron Forest Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Byron Hills Condominiums 1560 Dexter Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 878-4059 Phillip Wauben
Byron Lake Condominiums 2369 Byron Shores SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 878-4776 Bill Sorensen
Byron Meadows Condominiums 8481 Elkwood SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 292-5155 Max Scholz
Cannon Place South Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Cannon Place North Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Carriage Lane Condominiums 5940 Tahoe Dr SE Grand Rapids MI 49546   Fred Hekstra
Cascade Hills Condominiums East Paris and Cascade Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Cascade Hills East Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Castle Villa 32nd West of Shaffer Ave. Kentwood 616-942-7055 Realico
Celadon Condominums 2050 Celadon Dr NE Suite B Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 235-0711 Bradley Rottschafer
Center Park Condominiums 8335 Byron Garden Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 878-9803 Richard Algera
Chateau Ridge Condominiums     (616) 890-6296 TPM Property Management
Chatwick Hills Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI  49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Cherry Valley Meadows Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
City View Condominiums 300 Ottawa Ave NW Suite 400 Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 454-7700 Anne Ficeli
Clements Mill Village Condominiums Ada Drive and Hall Ada (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Cobblestone at the Ravines Condominiums 3470 Roger B Chaffee SE Suite C-3 Grand Rapids MI 49548 (616) 292-7092 Gary Hensch
College Condos 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Commons At Sierrafields Condos 7597 Sierrafield Dr SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 583-9365 James Miller
Conservatory Woods Condominiums 2007 Conservation Trail Lowell MI 49331   Conrad Swanson
Cook’s Crossing Condominiums 1188 East Paris SE Suite 100 Grand Rapids MI 49546   Michael McGraw
Copperwood Homeowner Association P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Cottages at Unity Timbers Condominium Association P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Cottonwood Forest 7701 Riverview Dr Jenison MI 49428 (616) 457-3714 Meribeth Pitsch
Country Club Green Condominiums 6739 Courtland Dr NE Rockford, MI  49341 (616) 874-3371 Redstone Property Management
Country Homes of Ada Fulton, West of Grand Rive Ada (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Cross Creek North Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr. Cedar Springs, MI  49319 (616) 433-9090 Gerow Management
Cross Creek West Condominums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Cumberland Ridge Condominiums Cumberland Ave. at Barnsley Lowell, MI 49331 616-897-7326 Connie Howes
Dean Lake Woods Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Del-Mar Village Condos P.O. Box 401 Rockford, MI  49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Eaglecrest Condominiums East Beltline and Leonard Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Eaglecrest Meadows East Beltline and Leonard (North of EC) Grand Rapids (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
East Lake Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
East Paris Villas Condominiums 32nd and East Paris Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
El Dorado Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Enclave Condominiums (individual units) 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
English Ridge Condominiums     724-272-1277 Donna Peterson
Evergreen Lake Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Falcon Pointe Condominiums 2025 E Beltline Ave SE Suite 208 Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Fieldstone Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Fitzgerald 1575 Watertower Place East Lansing MI 48823 (616) 301-1222 Maplegrove Property Mgmt LLC
Flat River Main Street Condominiums 300 Ottawa NW Suite 400 Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 454-7700 Anne Ficeli
Forest Hills Condominiums Cascade & 28th Street Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Forest Meadows Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Forslund On Pearl across from Amway Grand Rapids (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc
Fox Chase Condominiums     Rachel Kegley @ (616) 228-4792 Urban Monarach Management LLC
Fulton Street Flats Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Gables on the Green at Thousand Oaks Condos 5 Mile and Grand River Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc
Gatehouse Condominiums 3934 Cascade Road Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Georgetown of Grand Rapids Condominiums 2436 Village Dr SE Grand Rapids MI 49506 (616) 247-0764 Joy McLaren
Georgetown Town Homes 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-9515 Scott M. Gerow
Georgetown West Condominiums 5752-3 E Town Drive Hudsonville MI 49426 (616) 866-5974 Dave V’Dovick
Gleneagle Moors 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr. Cedar Springs, MI  49319  (616) 433-9090 Gerow Management
Gleneagle West West of 196 on 44th Hudsonville (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Grand Ridge Townhomes Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Grand View Condominiums 11881 Richmont Ave NE Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 560-1064 McKenzie Pepper
Grandville East Condominiums 2664 Porter St SW Wyoming MI 49519 (616) 532-0506 Gerald Richter
Grenelef Condos 28th and Cascade Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Grenelef Woods Condos 6472 Grenelefe Dr SE Grand Rapids MI 49546 (231) 578-4837 Ken James
Grosse Pointe Estates Condominiums 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Harbour Towne Marina Fulton Street, Muskegon Lake Muskegon (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc
Harmony Cove Condominiums 7784 Harmony Cove Ct SE Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 554-1185 Kevin Altman M.D.
Hawkridge Estates Condominiums 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Ken
twood MI 49512
(616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Heather Ridge Condominiums 208 Heatherview Sparta MI 49345 (616) 887-6135 William Reed
Heathmoor Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Heritage Square Condominiums 2203 Porter St. SW Wyoming MI 49519 (616) 249-3255  
Hidden Meadow Estates P.O. Box 574 Jenison, MI 49428   Charles Crowley
High Ridge Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Hillburn Condominiums 345 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 243-7511 Jim Oppenhuizen
Hillmount Condominiums 1575 Watertower Place East Lansing MI 48823 (517) 333-9622 Maplegrove Property Mgmt LLC
Homestead Acres Condominiums 102 Homestead Acres Rd Sparta MI 49345 (616) 887-8511 Irene Zurek
Hudson Trail Condominiums 3307 Hudson Trails Dr Hudsonville MI 49426 (616) 896-0308 Dennis VanDam
Huntington Ridge Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Huntington Woods Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Indian Mill Creek Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr NE Cedar Springs, MI  49319 (616) 696-9515 Gerow Management Co.
Indian Spring Condominiums P.O. Box 635 Grandville MI 49418 Sandra Sjaarda
Indian Village Condos 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Inglenook Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-9515 Scott M. Gerow
Ironwood Condos 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Jason Ridge Condominiums 58 Jason Ridge Ct SW Grand Rapids MI 49534 (616) 735-0411 Lawrence VanAssen
Jasonville Farms Condominiums P.O. Box 53 Caledonia MI 49316   Charles Hoats
Kentwood Village 28th to Breton N. to Woodmeadow E to Mulford L to Ridgecroft Grand Rapids (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc
Knapp Valley Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Knollcrest Terrace Condominiums 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Koinonia Woods Condominiums 4479 Koinonia Dr Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Lake Bella Vista Shores Condominiums 345 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 243-7511 Jim Oppenhuizen
Lake Shore Club Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Landmark Lofts 801 Monroe Ave. NW, Downtown Grand Rapids (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Leisure South 60th Street and Eastern Kentwood (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Lowell Main Street Condominiums 25 S Division Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 774-2313 Richard Craig
Mallard Cove Condominiums Melvin St, SW Wyoming, MI 49519 (616) 741-9600 Kirk Lydy
Maple Creek Condominium Association 653 Maple Creek Dr Holland, MI 49423 (616) 402-6628 Robert Condit
Maple Grove Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Maple Villa Condominiums 32nd West of Breton Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Maplebrook Condominiums 4856 Maple Shade Ct NE Rockford MI 49341 (616) 863-6849 Glenn L. Rotier Jr.
McKay Tower Condominiums 900 Monroe Ave NW Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 881-2275 Daniel J. Parmeter Jr.
Meadows at Jasonville Condominiums P.O. Box 461 Ada MI 49301 (616) 464-3466 Kevin Moran
Meadows East Condominiums   Hudsonville MI 49429 (616) 662-8979 Ed Tamminga
Monroe Terrace Condominiums 940 Monroe NW Suite 155 Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 988-6469 Howard Hansen
Mulford Place Condominiums N of 28th on Breton to E on Woodlawn, left on Mulford Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
New Amsterdam Village Condos 825 Parchment Dr SE Suite 100 Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 975-9951 Charles E. Damon
New Amsterdam Village Condominium, Inc. 7905 Cottonwood Jenison, MI 49428 616-457-2534 James Winn, President
616-457-1674 or 616-915-2359
Norman Place Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Northwood Hills Condominiums 3417 Devonwood Hls NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 361-2880 Craig Black
Old Farm Village Condominiums S of 44th off of Breton Kentwood (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Palmer Hills Condominiums 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Paris Meadows Condominiums 3977 Branagan Ct SE Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 656-2455 Lynn Blackmore
Park Row Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Park Stone Condominiums 4380 Canal SW Grandville MI 49418   Bryan Elenbaas
Parkside Village Condominiums 3333 Division Ave SW Grandville MI 49418  (616) 530-9695 Mary Ogg
Peck Building Condominiums 300 Ottawa NW Ste 400 Grand Rapids MI 49503   Colliers International
Planters Row Condominiums 1725 Restoration Dr SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 443-6156 Jake Cook
Plaza Towers (Towers Residential Condominiums)  160 Campau Circle Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 301-1222 Mary Root
Poplar Creek Condominiums 4460 44th St SE Suite C-500 Kentwood MI 49512 (616) 245-5003 Jacquelyn Post
Prestwick Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Quail Crest Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Radcliffe Village Condominiums Raybrook South of Burton Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Railside Village Condominiums 2575 Railside Circle SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 551-4886 Russel Richter, Mgr.
Ridgestone Place Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
River House At Bridgewater Place Condominiums 333 Bridge St NW Ste 1010 Grand Rapids MI 49504   Karen Quinn
Riverfront Plaza Condominiums c/o 85 Campau Ave NW Ste 300 Grand Rapids MI 49503 (616) 233-8300 Lori Tanis
Rivertown Park Condominiums 100 Grandville Ave SW Ste 100 Grand Rapids MI 49503   Larry Smith
Rockford Hills Condominiums 8817 Castle Hill Rockford MI 49341   Angela Anderson
Rockford Valley Townhomes 6696 Northland Dr. Rockford MI 49341   Jeff Porter
Rockhill Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr. Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-9515 Scott Gerow
Rogue Ridge Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Rolling Greene Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Rum Creek Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Sabal Pointe Condominiums 4208 Sabal Pointe Ct SE Kentwood MI 49546 (616) 534-5838 Ann Broker
Sanctuary Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr. Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-9515 Scott Gerow
Saxony Village Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Schoolhouse Condominiums Wealthy St SE, S of Plymouth Ave East Grand Rapids (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Shady Oaks Condominium Association 4762 Shady Leaf Ln SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 235-0012 Charlie Hoats
Shagbark Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Sierra Field Condominiums 7597 Sierrafield Dr SW Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 583-9365 Jim Miller
Silver Lake Condominiums 4060 Cedar Commercial Dr Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-
Scott M. Gerow
Silverleaf Condominiums 6972 E Springtree Lane SW Grand Rapids MI 49548 (616) 281-5919 Geneva Van Loo
Southbridge Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Southgate Condominiums 345 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 243-7511 Roger Bera
Steven’s Pointe Condominiums 301 Douglas Ave Holland MI 49424 (616) 886-8481 Theodore Bosgraff
Stoney Creek Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Stormy Creek East off Schaefer between 32nd & 36th Kentwood (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Summer Shores Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Summergreen Condominiums 4831 Summergreen Ln Hudsonville MI 49426 (616) 662-6283 Troy Heyboer
Tannery Row Condominiums 1575 Watertower Place East Lansing MI 48823 (517) 333-9622 Maplegrove Property Mgmt LLC
The Preserve at Arbor Hills Dunigan & 3 Mile Grand Rapids (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Thousand Oaks Condominiums 4100 Thousand Oaks Dr Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 447-7750 David Mehney
Timber Creek Condos 265 Timber Creek Dr NW Comstock Park MI 49321 (616) 209-2875 Katherine Bockheim
Timber Canyon Estates Condominiums 1841 Timber Ridge Dr SE Ada MI 49301 (616) 780-3281 Sally Tucker
Timber Ridge at Jasonville Farms Assoc 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Town & Country Condominiums 345 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 243-7511 Cheryl Condon
Town Center Condominiums 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Town Crossing Condominiums 3324 Dover Crossing Grandville MI 49418 (616) 530-8930 Don Oppenhuizen
Traditions Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Trails at Crossroads M37 & 100th Street Caledonia (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Treemont Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Union Square Condominiums 555 – 7th St NW Apt. 120 Grand Rapids MI 49504 (616)456-6966 Beth Visser
New Village Condominiums 7780 Coachman Ln Jenison MI 49428 (616) 667-2252  
Village at Cross Creek North Condominiums 2317 Deer Trail NE Grand Rapids MI 49505 (616) 262-7209 James Frey
Village Woods Condominiums 1216 Linwood Dr NW Grand Rapids MI 49534 (616) 453
Barbara VanderMolen
Village of Fairfield West of 196 on 44th Hudsonville (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Villas At Rivertown The 52nd between Wilson & Ivanrest Wyoming (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Villas of Ada The Ada Drive, 1/2 mile east of Spaulding Ada (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Villas of Bailey’s Grove 330 E Beltline NE, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 365-5033 Grandmark Property Management
Villas of Cascade LLC 6714 Cascade Rd SE Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-9270 Fred Kamminga
Villas of Holland Developer 68 Units Holland (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Walnut Hills Condominiums No. 1 2025 E Beltline Ave SE Suite 208 Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 450-5838 Realico Inc.
Walnut Hills Condominiums No. 2 4212 Walnut Hills Lane Grand Rapids 49512 (616) 281-6750 Richard Zerfas
Waterford Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Watermark Condominiums 345 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 243-7511 Roger Bera
Water Towers Condominiums 724 32nd St SE Wyoming MI 49548 (616) 452-7076 Mark Troy
Weathervane Condominiums 601 Gordon Industrial Ct Byron Center MI 49315 (616) 560-6707 Scott Miedema
Wellington Ridge   Rockford, MI 49341 (616) 656-0197 Bonnie Huyser
Westgate Coach Homes 3417 Devonwood Hills NE Grand Rapids MI 49525   Craig Black
Whispering Springs #1 Condos 3360 Calvin Ct Grandville MI 49418   Gerald Pylman
Whispering Springs #2 Condos 3986 Johnson Lane SW Grandville MI 49418   Robin Walker
Whispering Springs #3 Condos P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Whispering Springs #4 Condos 4388 Red Bush Dr Grandville MI 49418   Judy Glenn
Whispering Woods Retirement Properties 3956 Whispering Way SE Grand Rapids MI 49546    
Windcrest Manor Homes Condominiums E. Beltline north of Leonard (through Windcrest Manor) Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Winter Woods Condominiums 4033 Winterwood Trl Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 954-0673 Robert Boss
Woodcrest Circle Condominiums 4310 Crest Creek Ct SW Grandville MI 49418 (616) 644-2348 Gordon Huizen
Woodshire Place Condominiums Stauffer Ave SE & 44th Kentwood MI 49508 (616) 942-7055 Realico, Inc.
Woodwind Condominiums P.O. Box 401 Rockford MI 49341 (616) 874-3371 Christine Byers
Woodwind Valley Condominiums E. Beltline, East off of 5 Mile Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.
Wyoming Village Condominiums     (616) 443-5927 Wm. Rutherford
York Woods Condominums 472 Woodrush Ct NW Comstock Park MI 49321 (616) 647-8722 Alan Beckstrom
Yorktown Townhomes 28th St. SE to East Paris,
N to Courtyard Place SE
Grand Rapids MI 49546 (616) 942-7055 Realico Inc.